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Yrd stock雅虎

Yrd stock雅虎

2015-12-31 20:13:33. 主题: 2016年美国移动支付行业将迎来混战 谁主沉浮?(ZT) 2016年美国移动支付行业将迎来混战 谁主沉浮? 2016年01月01日 08 [閒聊] 2010/04/15 盤中閒聊 - 看板 Option - 批踢踢實業坊 推 ciccio:話說台灣YRD是-0.X% 真是有夠爛的 04/15 12:25 → pullow :請問Xcd版友今日狀況如何 04/15 12:28 → tsengwind :拉回平盤 04/15 12:30 Find the latest Yiren Digital Ltd. (YRD) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing.


Jan 1, 2018 Yirendai has strong revenue growth, a good return on equity, an attractive Yirendai (NYSE:YRD) fits into my favorite new category of stocks to analyze on Yahoo, But I'm looking for additional sources on Chinese stocks. Find the latest Visa Inc. (V) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. May 25, 2016 Technically speaking there will be no overhead resistance and YRD will offer ' Blue Sky Potential'. Company summary from Yahoo finance:

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Jan 18, 2018 Chinese tech stocks offer lucrative growth, but investors should recognize the risks. Source: Yahoo Finance. For example, Chinese peer-to-peer lender Yirendai (NYSE:YRD) might initially seem like an undervalued  You reap the results MANAGERS INCOME EQUITY FUND MANAGERS CAPITAL ("YHOO"), Joe McNay of Essex notes: Our investment thesis for Yahoo! is  Open $4.54; Day Range 4.37 - 5.12; 52 Week Range 2.83 - 14.81; Market Cap $426.94M; Shares Outstanding 94.25M; Public Float n/a; Beta 1.30; Rev. per  Dec 1, 2017 frequently the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or Nasdaq. This ListCo investment from Softbank and Yahoo, which purchased a 43% stake. YRD. Yirendai Ltd. $2,500.79. Finance. Cayman Islands. 2015 NYSE. COE. Feb 19, 2020 Stock Market Quotes, Business News, Financial News, Trading Ideas, charting and technical analysis that powers your ETrades and Yahoo!


宜人金科发布2019年Q3业绩报告 净利润2.28亿同比扭亏为盈 -企业 … 宜人金科发布2019年q3业绩报告 净利润2.28亿同比扭亏为盈 来源:新浪财经. 金融界美股讯 北京时间11月15日消息,宜人金科(原名为“宜人贷”)今天发布了该公司截至9月30日的2019年第三季度未经审计的财务 … 2015-12-31 20:13:33. 主题: 2016年美国移动支付行业将迎来混战 谁主沉浮?(ZT) 2016年美国移动支付行业将迎来混战 谁主沉浮? 2016年01月01日 08 [閒聊] 2010/04/15 盤中閒聊 - 看板 Option - 批踢踢實業坊 推 ciccio:話說台灣YRD是-0.X% 真是有夠爛的 04/15 12:25 → pullow :請問Xcd版友今日狀況如何 04/15 12:28 → tsengwind :拉回平盤 04/15 12:30

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